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Military Section

Aircraft Maintainers

A Sailor's Prayer

Enlistment Humor

Forgotten Mechanic


Ode to Groundcrew

Rank Recognition

Shipboard Life

My Coin Collection

My Patch Collection

My Zap Collection

Miscellaneous Links


USS Midway

VAQ-136 Gauntlets

Photo Galleries

My Scale Models

London Central

Who am I?











~ Military Section ~


(These pages will open in a new window)

Aircraft Maintainers


Ode to the Groundcrew

A Sailor's Prayer


Simulating Shipboard Life

Enlistment Humor


My Coin Collection

The Forgotten Mechanic


My Patch Collection

Naval Rank Recognition


My Zap Collection



Military Links




This section of my site is to pay tribute to every military service member - past, present, and future. After having been raised as a Navy dependent and then serving in the U.S. Navy myself for ten years, I have a deep appreciation of military life. This life is not always easy or glamorous and true appreciation for those living it is very rare. I have created the pages in this section to illustrate some of the humor found in this profession, as well as the more serious side.


~ Troy Prince, Aviation Machinist's Mate, USN

~ VAQ-136 Gauntlets aboard USS Midway & USS Independence (1989 ~ 1992)

~ NAF Atsugi AIMD (1992 ~ 1994)

~ NAF Misawa AIMD (1994 ~ 1998)



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